While carrying out law enforcement responsibilities, it is important to use and adhere to the L.P.O.E.P procedure. This simple and effective procedure ensures that officers approach situations with confidence, creating an effective process for maintaining order and ensuring the safety of law enforcement personnel.
L - Look: Remain vigilant at all times, ensuring you are on the lookout for potential traffic violations, including quick lane changes, speeding beyond posted limits, and other aggressive driving behaviors.
P - Presence: Operate discreetly to create an atmosphere where nearby drivers are unaware of them being watched, this will significantly increase the likelihood of traffic violations occuring.
O - Observation: Continuously observe and assess drivers without drawing attention to them, enhancing the ability to identify and address aggressive driving incidents effectively.
E - Execution: Demonstrate exceptional operational skills aligned with Washington State Patrol standards, ensuring proficiency is used when executing operations such as a traffic stop.
P - Professionalism: Conduct yourself in a manner that upholds the Washington State Patrol's high standards, showcasing professionalism and adherence to protocol at all times.
Last updated 4 months ago
Last updated